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Homage to Barnett Newman Published by Faine Contemporary Art 2011
"Aesthetics are to Artists as Ornithology is to Birds" is a Barnett Newman quotation that could be said to sum up the fundamental difference between artists and designers. Generally speaking a designer has a concept which then undergoes a period of refinement until it expresses an aesthetically pleasing reflection of the initial vision of its creator, where as artists follow their intuition as dictated by the work itself, such that the resulting work is hopefully a pleasant surprise. The background of this image is a section from the Barnett Newman print Canto 7. The large text is a multi coloured version of the original quotation, while the smaller text is an A to Z of 'Ologies' e.g. Aesthetics are to Artists as Carsinology is to Prawns, Primology is to Monkeys, Xyology is to Wood. Each image is a section from a famous painting that reflects an ology hence Angelology is to Angels (Three Archangels by Oggiono), Nephology is to clouds (section of a Brendan Neiland painting of clouds), Rhinology is to nostrils (the Mona Lisa's nose). Homage to Barnett Newman is a signed limited edition comprising 5 digital prints on canvass. each finished with a hand painted satin protection varnish and a hugh gloss varnish on the circular sections of the pictorial images. The print was generated on computer using Adobe Illustrator and proofed and editioned on an Epson 9900 using Epson archival inks on Fredricks Canvass. |