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Fire and Ice Published by Faine Contemporary Art 2020 Mono-print in 5 colour ways with a diamond dust overprint of an Hourglass
Although the title 'Fire and Ice' has been borrowed from the television series 'Game of Throwns', this print has nothing to do with The Wall, King's Landing or even the Mother of Dragons, but rather it is about the perilous state of our planet. Global warming has already caused large tracts of the polar ice and glaciers to melt, with the accompanying slow increase in sea levels and the concomitant changes in climate patterns. Simultaneously the increase in global temperatures has meant that natural forest fires (often caused by lighening strikes) are exacerbated by the greed of those who destroy our forests for short term gain, political expediency and speculative advantage. As usual momey talks, or as Bob Dylan said "screams"; the desire for excessive profit over-rides concern for the future plight of our children and grand children. It seems strange to me that the poeple who run large corporations or those individual currency speculators, whose actions can effect a countries fiscal viability and the mega rich seem not to care about the future of their own offsprimg. This print also contains an alliterative spiral text that names those who are most guilty of our planets destruction; but of course we must all, to a grater or smaller degree accept blame for our own actions. The images of Fire and Ice are taken from sections of Wesrern tradition paintings and over printed with a diamond dusted hourglass showing that we are running out of timeo |